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Discography: Discography
Master Of My Fate Background 3850 x 3850 dunkel.jpg
Bells and Ravens - What Death Cannot End Artwork 1600 x 1600.jpg

Digital Release Date: July 22nd, 2022


1. Your Last Sacrifice (04:59)
2. The Headless Horseman (05:58)
3. Scourge Of The Seven Seas (08:16)
4. Martyrs & Illusionists (Victory), Pt. I (06:00)
5. Zone Of Pain (07:37)
6. Beyond Redemption (04:35)
7. Dishonored (07:24)
8. Master Of My Fate (06:12)
9. 1773 (Symphony No. 25 in G Minor KV 183 - I. Allegro Con Brio) (04:54)
10. Martyrs & Illusionists (Home), Pt. II (07:57)

Matt Carviero: Lead-, Rhythm and Acoustic Guitars, Keyboards, Orchestra Programmings, Bass on "Dishonored" and "Master Of My Fate"


Zak Stevens: Vocals on "Scourge Of The Seven Seas"
Tim "Ripper" Owens: Vocals on "The Headless Horseman" and "Master Of My Fate"
Juergen Volk: Vocals on "Zone Of Pain"
Tommy Laasch: Vocals on "Your Last Sacrifice" and "Dishonored"
Tobias Huebner: Vocals on "Beyond Redemption" and "Martyrs & Illusionists (Home), Pt. II"
Selin Schoenbeck: Vocals on "Martyrs & Illusionists (Victory), Pt. I"
Andreas Mozer: Vocals on "Beyond Redemption"
Julian Scott: 2nd Guitar Solo on "Your Last Sacrifice"
Thomas Schmeer: 2nd and 4th Guitar Solo on "Beyond Redemption"
Roberto Palacios: Bass
Claudio Sisto: Drums

Album Artwork by Pär Olofsson


Back to a time when adjectives like "heavy" and "epic" were considered characteristics of
our beloved metal and there was no need to put each new band into a separate drawer.
A time when it wasn't seen as a weakness if not every song on an album sounded exactly the same, and most importantly - long songs like Hallowed Be Thy Name, Child In Time, Diary Of A Madman, Victim Of Changes, Battle Hymn or Master Of Puppets were the measure of all things!

Since 2018 BELLS AND RAVENS has been the baby of ex-Contracrash mastermind Matt Carviero and he had already shown on his debut album IN OUR BLOOD (2020) where his priorities lie - powerful riffs, huge choruses, bombastic arrangements and sprawling instrumental parts!

On his soon to be released second album WHAT DEATH CANNOT END you will find ten tracks with a total length of almost 64 minutes! But due to their catchiness some of them should even delight listeners with shorter attention spans!
The german guitarist is supported by top-class singers such as Zak Stevens (Savatage, Circle II Circle, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) or Tim "Ripper" Owens (ex-Judas Priest, ex-Iced Earth, ex-Yngwie Malmsteen) as well as the bassist Roberto Palacios (Chinchilla, My Darkest Hate, Goblin's Blade) and the drummer Claudio Sisto (played in Mystic Prophecy, Chinchilla, My Darkest Hate, Goblin's Blade, Contracrash and more) who unfortunately passed away last year.

So the question is - Why bother listening to an epic, long song when you could listen to three fast food songs in the same amount of time? Every music lover knows the answer!
An overwhelming listening experience is the reward for those who do not see themselves mentally at the drive-through with this album, but consciously prepare themselves for a five-course gourmet menu with wine accompaniment!

The stunning artwork for this self-produced album was done by world-renowned swedish artist

Pär Olofsson (Exodus, Immortal, etc.)
WHAT DEATH CANNOT END by BELLS AND RAVENS will be released on July 22nd, 2022.

It will be available on all download and streaming portals.

Right from the beginning YOUR LAST SACRIFICE captivates the listener with pumping riffs and rousing melodies. This is what a hybrid of Avenged Sevenfold and Nightwish could sound like - with the unique voice of Chinchilla singer Tommy Laasch and a diversified instrumental section, which ends with a guitar solo by german guitarist Julian Scott.

Despite the orchestral accompaniment, the crushing horror anthem THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN may remind you of Judas Priest here and there. This may not least be due to the fact that their former singer Tim "Ripper" Owens took over the vocals!

Another highlight is undoubtedly SCOURGE OF THE SEVEN SEAS. The song about a pirate, who got tired of his life and wants to exit with a big bang, has been wonderfully sung by Savatage singer Zak Stevens. With his performance, he gives the piece an atmosphere that is second to none. As a side note - the song's intro consists of parts of the overture to Richard Wagner's
The Flying Dutchman.

You'll also hear a neoclassical touch on the first part of the anti-war duology MARTYRS & ILLUSIONISTS, which again features We Are Legend singer Selin Schoenbeck, who already took over vocal duties on the previous BELLS AND RAVENS album IN OUR BLOOD.

ZONE OF PAIN may be the closest thing to prog metal on this album.
Responsible for vocals and lyrics – german singer Juergen Volk, who caused quite a stir in the metal scene in the 90s and early 2000s with his bands Glenmore and Rawhead Rexx!
ZONE OF PAIN is the first released studio recording with Juergen on lead vocals since 2003!

BEYOND REDEMPTION – bombastic, yet brutal! A duet between ex-Forensick singer Tobias Huebner and Traitor shouter Andreas Mozer, which climaxes in the monstrous chorus! Including a guitar duel between Matt Carviero and Triaz guitarist Thomas Schmeer.

Two epic breakers are waiting around the corner! One seven minute anthem with the title DISHONORED (again featuring Tommy Laasch) and MASTER OF MY FATE - the second tune featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens on this album.

Next is 1773 (the first movement of W. A. Mozart's 25th symphony). As there were
several metal adaptations of classical pieces on the debut album, WHAT DEATH CANNOT END couldn't end without one of those. It's followed by the grand finale:
MARTYRS & ILLUSIONISTS (HOME), PT. II, emotionally sung by Tobias Huebner. A ballad which lyrics deal with a soldier's difficulties in coping with everyday life at home after the war.



  • "I can’t recommend this work enough […] Simply up there as one of the releases of 2022!"
    (The Metal Gods Meltdown)

  • "The production is excellent and almost symphonic in place […] It’s melodic and powerful and harkens back to a time when metal was full of hooks and large arrangements." (Metal Roos)


  • "'What Death Cannot End' ist ein Meisterwerk des Genres geworden, welches wahrscheinlich nicht bei jedem sofort zünden wird, da es einfach zu komplex für Leute ist, die 'nur' konsumieren. Wer sich aber drauf einlässt, wird mit großartiger Musik belohnt, wie man sie nicht alle Tage bekommt. Ein Album für die Ewigkeit!" (Metal Only)
  • "Matt Carviero hat mit seinem BELLS AND RAVENS Projekt abermals ein starkes, virtuoses Album abgeliefert, dass einige Zeit für sich beansprucht, um sein Potential vollends zu entfalten. Wer nur mal eben auf der Suche nach ner schnellen Nummer (im Sinne von kurz und eingängig) ist, wird mit 'What Death Cannot End' so seine Probleme bekommen. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass es die Songs irgendwann einmal auf die Bühnen dieser Welt schaffen." (Hellfire Magazin)
  • "'What Death Cannot End' ist Symphonic Metal ohne an NIGHTWISH, KAMELOT oder BLIND GUARDIAN denken zu müssen und für Bewunderer des bombastischen Heavy Metal unverzichtbar." (Saitenkult)
  • [...] das LineUp ist gut und hörbar mit dem Herzen dabei und Matt Carviero ein talentierter Songschreiber, von dem wir sicher in Zukunft noch so einiges zu hören bekommen. (
  • "Absoluter Höhepunkt ist das atmosphärische Epos 'Scourge Of The Seven Seas', das von Zak Stevens in bester Savatage-Manier veredelt wird. Kompositorisch vereint Carviero hier Elemente aus der Oper 'Der Fliegende Holländer' mit bombastischem Metal und über allem thront die mächtige, erhabene Stimme von Stevens. Absolute Klasse." (My Revelations)
  • "Sehr opulent inszeniert und verfügt zudem über eine phantastische Produktion" (Zephyrs Odem)


  • "The album entitled 'What death cannot end' is a concentrate of melodic Symphonic Power metal, which orchestrations refer to the darkest works of Tim Burton's films." (
Master Of My Fate Background 3850 x 3850 dunkel.jpg
Bells and Ravens In Our Blood


Digital Release Date: March 26th, 2020 (DR. MUSIC RECORDS)


1. Rise (05:26)
2. Bridges Ablaze (05:02)
3. Now (04:10)
4. Until I Leave (05:49)
5. The Fire Inside (03:55)
6. 1808 (Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67: Allegro Con Brio)
- Ludwig Van Beethoven (05:43)
7. 1877 (Swan Lake, Op. 20A: Act 2, Scéne)
- Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikovsky (02:50)
8. 1896 (Symphony No. 8 In C Minor, WAB 108: IV: Finale: Feierlich, nicht schnell; Symphony No. 9 In D Minor, WAB 109/143: II. Scherzo: Bewegt, Lebhaft; Trio: Schnell)
- Anton Bruckner (08:00)

Matt Carviero: All Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Orchestra and Drum Programmings

Selin Schönbeck: All Vocals

Album Artwork by Mattias Frisk

The International Metal Press recommends In Our Blood
with the following words

Sonic Seducer: "The debut album of former Contracrash guitarist Matt Carviero convinces with Symphonic Metal, which does not lack a certain hardness. Who appreciates classic Power Metal will not spurn the album."

Legacy: "Amazingly fresh and powerful. Songs that somehow breathe the spirit of the 80s – especially through the Rock voice of Selin Schönbeck (We Are Legend) – want to make themselves heard. Apart from the five ‘new’ songs [...] the arrangements of classical compositions, which alone are worth listening to, shine above all. […] Especially on the last three you can wonderfully hear the symbiosis of Metal and Classic, how it hits your ears in perfection. You can certainly hope for even more classics in the future! All in all a well-rounded piece of music, how the past kisses the present on In Our Blood."

• "[…] all in all implemented in a strong and diversified way." "[…] creatively and catchy composed. A good album that can be placed on a par with Kamelot, Mystic Prophecy and Savatage."

Norway Rock Magazine: "Schönbeck has an impressive vocal range and a wide variation of tones. […] full of everything that defines Symphonic Metal."

• "He put his heart and soul on these songs and they are highly enjoyable. […] The second part of the album was absolutely fantastic. They decided to transform some classical compositions into full-blown Heavy Metal. […] His arrangements of the three songs are incredible and a full album of these songs would have been a godsend. I would have reviewed this album even higher! […] All in all, this is a love letter to great underrated Metal bands like the aforementioned Savatage mixed with some classical Metal random goodness."

• "Bells and Ravens is an interesting collection of studio recordings from a musical virtuoso. […] this album has something to offer fans of Metal guitar and classical music that make it well worth checking out."

• "In Our Blood è un esordio eccellente per Matt Carviero ed i suoi Bells and Ravens."

Powerful symphonies, heavy guitars and enchanting melodies, these are BELLS AND RAVENS.
Former Contracrash guitarist Matt Carviero from Southern Germany creates an extraordinary sound, which covers the whole range of feelings between wild Metal rage and epically scored tales since 2018.
Besides bombastic original compositions, BELLS AND RAVENS also deliver spectacular Metal arrangements of classical symphonies, which would impress Beethoven and Yngwie Malmsteen equally.

IN OUR BLOOD will be released on March 26th, 2020 via Dr. Music Records and presents a grandiose debut, which clearly shows the years of experience of its songwriter. Matt Carviero combines classical elements with hard riffs on his album in a masterful way. The melodies skilfully tell varied stories and and the well produced album has an impressive and distinctive aesthetic. The result is unconventional Power Metal with progressive and symphonic elements, combining the best of Kamelot, Mystic Prophecy and Savatage with a variety of nuances to create a signature sound.

Originally started as a side project, BELLS AND RAVENS quickly developed to become the main focus of virtuoso mastermind Matt Carviero. He composes and produces the songs by himself and We Are Legend vocalist Selin Schönbeck gives them a fascinating dynamic with his remarkable voice.
In his project, Matt Carviero combines his influences from traditional Metal with symphonic and sometimes even electronic sounds to a detailed, emotionally profound and unique soundscape.

IN OUR BLOOD he is now composing his first symphony, in which Bells and Ravens pay homage to both the highs and lows of human existence. The equally hard and powerful sounding opener RISE, a song about the lessons of life, is followed by the progressive BRIDGES ABLAZE, which is about the moment when you bury your individual goals and not pursue them any further. It continues with NOW, a title that appeals to live life according to one’s own ideas. In the ballad UNTIL I LEAVE Carviero expresses his feelings for his deceased father, accompanied by acoustic guitars. The decisive THE FIRE INSIDE concludes with a story about the injustice of people betraying others by making their problems theirs and getting away with it.

An extraordinary addition to the album are the three outstanding adaptations of classical works. The piece 1808 represents Matt Carviero’s contribution to the Beethoven year 2020 by reinterpreting the famous Fifth Symphony with powerful guitars and a complete Metal arrangement. In 1877 the maestro does not even stop at Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and for the finale he proves with the Bruckner Metal Medley 1896 that he can also reproduce a complete orchestra true to the original.


BELLS AND RAVENS bring fresh blood to the Symphonic Metal scene with their excellent sound and the combination of Classic and Progressive Metal elements. Surrounded by a modern and brute soundscape and the wonderful cover artwork by Mattias Frisk (Ghost, Poltergeist, Siberian), they take the listener on a journey through heaven and hell. Not only fans of the mentioned bands or open-minded and tolerant listeners of classical music should not miss the solo debut of this exceptional songwriter!

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